4. Baby Connect App: Some friends of ours recommended we try this before buying an actual timer and I’m so glad we did. The data syncs between both of our phones, the iPad and the web app–so Chris can always check in to see how many dirty diapers Arden has had during the day (ha!) It really is a lifesaver for paranoid first-time moms like me because you can look at the daily summary to see stats like how long or how many times she’s eaten that day, how many wet vs. dirty diapers she’s had, etc. You can also slice and dice the data every which way–or even export it into an excel spreadsheet if you wanted to take it to along to a doctors appointment. Not that I’ve done that or anything 😉
5. Boon Grass Countertop Drying Rack: This has not left our countertop since we came home from the hospital! I can barely find time to wash bottles, let alone dry them–so this drying rack has been awesome. I would recommend the larger size especially if you’re going to be pumping–all those pieces take up a lot of space.
6. iPad: No explanation necessary. However, I should point out that if you also get Amazon Prime you can watch the streaming video on your iPad! That makes being up at 3am not so bad. I did drop my iPad the other day so I had to find someone that could Fix iPad Screen. It’s fully working again now though! 🙂
7. My Brest Friend: Go ahead and laugh–I know I did the first time I saw it in the store! It may have the goofiest name ever, but I still love this nursing pillow. It’s great because it buckles around your waist and supports your back, allowing you to be “hands-free” while nursing.
8. Summer Infant SwaddleMe: I’m pretty sure this is on everyone’s “favorites list”–and for good reason. If we’re having trouble calming Arden down or getting her to fall asleep, the first trick we pull out of the bag is the swaddle. It calms her down and keeps her from startling herself with her own movements. As Heather puts it–“it’s NyQuill for babies” 🙂
So there you have it–those are our first month faves!

Totally random, but what program or widget did you use to make this favorites list?