You are 2 weeks old! In a way that’s hard to believe, but in another way it feels like we’ve known you forever. After just 14 days it’s hard for your dad and me to picture what life would be like without you in it. I hope I don’t jinx myself by saying this, but you are a really good baby. You are still in the eat, sleep, poop, repeat stage–but it’s starting to feel like we’ve got a rhythm going. At night I have to wake you up to feed you and if you cry we can usually figure out why. You don’t cry as often as I thought a newborn would–but maybe that’s because you don’t have time to fuss when you’re being fed 24/7. Speaking of eating, I think you’ve been doing a pretty good job because at 12 days old you were up 7 oz. from the week before! I literally almost hugged the nurse at your weight check on Wednesday! So now you’re 3 oz. above your birth weight and I’m feeling much more comfortable knowing you’re getting what you need. We’re going to keep decreasing the bottles and hopefully eliminate them completely next week! Everyone was right when they told me that breastfeeding would get easier each day.
Now let me back up to Labor Day weekend. Gigi had been in town since your birth, but Papa came back down on Friday and brought Aunt Lindsay with him. Lindsay pretty much has a masters degree in babies, so I was really thankful to have her here to teach us her ways.
She helped us with your first real bath…
(You weren’t a big fan)
And helped me practice with the sling.
You don’t love it yet but I’m crossing my fingers that you will eventually.
And on Saturday we had your newborn pictures, which I can’t WAIT to share. We just got the cd last night and I’m in love with about every single image. So of course now I’m stressed out about which ones to print! Anyway, Aunt Lindsay and Gigi toughed it out with us for 3 hours in the heat (yes, space heaters do wonders for newborn pictures) and we even talked them in to being in a couple of shots. Someday I think you will really love looking back on those pictures.
After your pictures were over we did a wardrobe change and got you ready for your first Wildcat Saturday.
Just putting you in this onesie made me so excited for the cheerleading uniform days (that I’m sure are ahead) and hopefully many fall Saturdays in Manhattan.
You two wildcats make a cute pair.
Sunday was Papa’s 60th birthday…and since he drove all the way from Kansas to see you again, taking him out to dinner was the least we could do. Oh wait, he paid. (Thanks Dad!)
You’re going to love this guy. Just you wait…
We were a little but nervous about your first dinner out, so we chose Mexican since it tends to be quick service. And quick it was…we were in and out in less than 45 minutes and you didn’t make a peep. The diaper bag full of tricks was not even necessary 🙂

Happy Birthday Papa! And thanks for sharing it with us 🙂
Early Monday morning Gigi, Papa and Aunt Lindsay hit the road back to Kansas. I’d be lying if I said I didn’t tear up watching them leave. They were such a huge help and it was great to share your first week and a half with them. But it was also time for us to be on our own and figure out what life would be like as a family of three.
We had a lazy Labor Day together and your Dad soaked up his last day with you before going back to work. He has been such an enormous help so I was a little nervous about having you on my own all week. However, I have to say it went pretty smoothly! Maybe you were holding out on me and saving your real personality for next week?! Sure we had some rocky moments, but for the most part you were just the sweetest little thing.
See what I mean?
You’ve definitely had more alert periods this week than last, so I’ve been trying to mix in some activities here and there.
You are really interested in that adorable baby in the mirror…
And that big black and white whale might be the coolest thing you’ve ever seen…
I’m also still trying to figure out the whole “getting ready with an infant” thing though. You are lights out as soon as the shower comes on and the hair dryer seems to put you to sleep too…but sometimes I have to get creative while I’m doing my makeup and hair.
Don’t worry, I skipped the hairspray that day. I must really love you.
And that pretty much sums up our days until dad gets home. Well that and dressing you up for pictures, which every once in awhile rubs you the wrong way…
It’s been a great week getting to spend some quality “girl time” with you, Arden–and I’m so glad we have 12 more of them before you start daycare and I have to go back to work. Okay, I’m not even going to think about that right now…
Tonight we’re going to attempt another meal out as a family and tomorrow is yet another game day! We’ve already watched this video about 10 times so I think you’re pretty pumped up 🙂
Love you so much!

Such a sweetie!!! I need to meet this little gal sooner than later!
So adorable!!! So glad you had a good first week alone with her 🙂 I love all the pictures!!!!
She's so sweet! So small! I want one! Congrats to you and Chris. What a beauty!