Wow, what a weekend! There’s a lot to tell so I’d better just jump right in…
I’ll start with Wednesday–our doctor’s appointment and ultrasound. In true Vanessa fashion the night before a big event, I didn’t sleep much. I was excited, anxious, and still a little bit worried. But when we walked out of the doctor’s office the next day I could not have been happier. Everything was just as it was supposed to be and I had a sealed envelope in my hand that told us the gender of our baby! Seeing our child on the screen was one of the most unreal experiences of my life. We’d had a few ultrasounds early on but this was the first time we could see every little finger, toe, and even make out features on the baby’s face. I’ve always seen sonogram pictures that show the baby’s profile…but not our kid. The baby was looking straight at the camera, almost smiling. Practicing for newborn pics perhaps? Anyway, after leaving our appointment on Wednesday everything felt very real…and I finally allowed myself to get excited about the “gender reveal”.
Thursday morning we jumped on a flight back to KC.
Chris tried to cheat while we waited.
It would’ve been so easy to just rip it open, but I’m glad we resisted!
As soon as we got to Kansas City, Uncle Chris was in full force. He was in charge of all 3 kids while my sister and mom and I did baby stuff…can you say brave? We took a little longer than expected but Chris seemed to be doing just fine when we got home. We found him putting on a concert with Maren, and there were no broken bones or crying children. I’d say that’s a success!
With a little extra time before meeting friends for dinner, we decided to go to the beginning of Maren’s dance class. It was fun to see her in a different element and also go back to my old dance studio. We even got a sneak peak of their recital dance…she did such a good job!
Thursday night we enjoyed some Salty Iguana with Brittany, Jimmy, Whitney and Adam. We talked weddings, babies, and just about everything in between–at least our side of the table did. All I know about the guys’ side is that they were downing beers and margaritas. Go figure! Anyway, it was a great time catching up with the girls 🙂
Friday morning we got to meet little baby Jackson. How adorable is this guy?

He even wore a French Bulldog onesie for us 🙂
It was the coolest thing ever to see my friend transformed into a mom. I guess you just don’t think of your friends that way until you see them caring for their very own baby. After two and a half weeks, Emily is already a pro…and Jackson is so lucky to have her as a mom. Oh and his dad is pretty funny too. I laughed so hard I cried at some of Jeff’s one-liners from the hospital. This family seriously needs a reality show.
I’m sad that I won’t see little Jackson for another month…I can’t imagine how much he will have changed by then. Thanks for letting us stop by and meet the little guy, Em! Love you guys!
Saturday was the day of the gender reveal/Chris’ birthday party. While my mom and Melanie and I ran some errands and picked up the cake, the guys were outside helping my dad with his latest project…a playhouse for the grandkids.
Chris’ dad was such a good sport. He’s been working on his own barn project at home for weeks (maybe months) and was still willing to spend a Saturday away working. What a guy 🙂
Designed by “Papa” himself…it’s not even finished and already a hit with the kids.

Quick break for a ride on the ranger…
This was right before I asked Luke if he thought the baby would be a boy or a girl. He said, “I think it’s gonna be a Hazel”. Best line of the weekend!
Just cruisin’…
And finally, I’ll get to the point!
Once all of our siblings had arrived, we decided to just cut to the chase and have dessert first 🙂
These two cast their votes on the pink side and waited anxiously…
A ballot for the scrapbook…

After singing happy birthday to Chris, we cut right in.

I saw the filling immediately but Chris thought the cake itself was going to be pink or blue. Needless to say, he was a little concerned when he only saw white 🙂

But when the knife came out, you couldn’t deny the pink!
It’s a GIRL!!!!!!

Not that I didn’t trust the bakery, but we decided to check the card from the sonographer just to be sure…

Taylor also revealed a new shirt. I have no doubt that he’ll live up to the title…
So now we finally know…this baby is no longer an IT–but a SHE! I still can’t believe I’m going to have a daughter! Chris is actually thrilled to be outnumbered and I think it’s secretly because he knows she’ll worship him like our nieces do 🙂 However, I don’t think he’ll be quite as thrilled with the amount of bows and frilly things that are coming his way! Let the fun (and shopping) begin!!!
Thank you SO much to our families for celebrating with us. It was extremely special to find out we are having a little girl while surrounded by the people who will surely love her the most. And thanks mom and dad for hosting a great party that wasn’t supposed to be a party 😉 We love you guys!
So with only 18 more weeks until we get to meet the little gal, we have a lot to do! We ordered the crib and dresser over the weekend and are starting to do a few projects on the nursery this week. Eeeek! Here we go!

I have been waiting for this post!!! So happy for the little lady to make her debut 🙂 we will need to make a Houston trip!
You're going to have a little Pi Phi!!
Still so so excited! And I love Luke's comment – he's hilarious! A little Hazel…. 🙂
Congrats Vanessa! A sweet baby girl! You look so cute by the way:)
So exciting!!! I love this post 🙂 Can't wait for little girl Calcara to make her appearance!!!! Will be here before you know it!! And I can't wait to spoil her with some fun bows and girly outfits!!!
My mom told me the news in Vegas after she talked to Mel.
So excited for you guys!!
Congrats to you and Chris. I'm so happy for you both.
I just died laughing at your white cake comment. I'm still laughing…. and laughing.