You know how people say that the longer a couple is married, the more they start to look alike? Well, I guess Chris and I have our own version of that…
We are now “those people” on the block with the same car brand…and even in the same color. We also looked at black since Chris was already sporting the gray–but I just love this color. It’s not like we’re going to be driving them side by side anyway 🙂
It’s been about 9 years since I’ve had a new car of my own, so I’m loving every minute of it. I was working back in St. Louis this week and I couldn’t stop thinking about getting home so I could drive my car. I still have to learn how to use all of the cool features, but one thing I don’t need to worry about it parallel parking. The crazy thing parks itself. Seriously, is this real life?!?
Luckily we’re still able to fit both cars in our tiny garage…but I told Chris I’ll have to start pulling in first in a couple months. It’s not going to be easy to squeeze out of my door for long!

this is hilarious. luke and i both have black cars and the same brand, too. lol.
Love it!!! Such a fun new purchase!! Jimmy has convinced me that the civic needs to go and I'm excited, but sad because I have had that car since I was 16!!!!! AH!
I love how babies bring new cars! Good looking ride, but I was thinking you should of went with a mini van:)