Before celebrating Jake and Julle’s wedding yesterday we got to spend some time with Mr. Luke. He is all about playing in the water these days…at the pool, the lake, or anywhere else that he can make a splash. Another reason I think Josh and Melissa should just go ahead and buy a lake house and a boat. Like I said, we’ll bring the food every time we come to visit…fair trade, right? 🙂
Starting the day off right with Papa. Ahhh, this is the life!
Then it was off for a ride on Papa’s new toy.
Filling up the baby pool…
He is fearless!
Taking a break and just looking cool.
Not too thrilled with Aunt Vanessa’s latest craft project. Maybe next time I’ll try to make a clip-on 🙂
Love little Luke and I’m cannot wait to see his cousins tomorrow. It’s going to be a great week!

I can't believe how big he is getting! Soooo cute.
Love the pictures with him and Papa and his belly flop!! Seriously the cutest little guy ever, get this kid on tv!
SERIOUSLY submit this kid to a modeling agency!! He is to die for cute!!
These pictures are SO cute!! What a charmer he is:)