This may be the quickest posted blog post ever…but hey, 4 hours of driving back to Houston gave me plenty of time to think about all of the things I wanted to say to recap a great weekend. If you can’t tell by the title of this post I went to Dallas yesterday. Dallas! Heather was back in town to celebrate the big 2-6 and that was the perfect excuse to make another trip back to D-town. Some of the highlights of the trip…
- I learned how to Dougie
- Heather looked sassy in her sparkly Taylor Swift top
- Erica decided she loves Nicki Minaj
- Landon almost made it through the night without embarrassing himself
- Lizzie Lou was in town from Austin–loved seeing her!!!
- I set a record for number of tortilla chips eaten in 24 hours. Yuck.
- E scored Heather and I signed George W. books! How cool is that? Merry Christmas to us 🙂
I love Dallas and I love these girls. Can’t wait until they come to Houston to see us!!!
Happy early birthday to Heather and Erica! Love you girls so very much!!!
And what were Chris and Hazel doing while I was enjoying a girls weekend, you ask?

I see some striking similarities…

I’m sad to have missed out on the Huschka tacky Christmas party, but thanks to this ridiculous photo message from Lauren, I felt like I was there in spirit 🙂

Aw so SO fun! Miss you already- we are coming soon to Houston Ciddah!
Oh my gosh- all the Dallas girls, Heather….AND LIZ!! I'm SOOOO jealous! I wish I would have known sooner and made the trip. Looks like so much fun.
PS Please please please frame this picture of Chris and Hazel. Hilarious! And since we have seen Due Date, that picture makes me laugh so much. I thought of Hazel the whole movie!!!