House hunting trips can be fun…but they can also be stressful, frustrating, nerve-wracking, etc. However, all that matters in the end is that you end up with a house you love…and I must admit, love only begins to describe the way I feel about this house!!!
It wasn’t easy getting to this point because we had a second favorite house with a pretty awesome view of the country…but we know we made the right decision going with the house that was more manageable for us size-wise. Honestly, there was never a doubt in my mind that this was “the one” but I think I did a pretty good job of letting Chris realize that for himself too. There were quite a few hints dropped along the way though…
So as promised, here’s a photo tour of our new humble abode 🙂
It was love at first sight…
View from the entry way. That’s the dining room, looking into the kitchen/living room area.
My future office…

Dining room…
I love love love the butler’s pantry…I think it adds a lot of character.
Half bath…

The builder described this as a “chef’s dream”. I’m obviously no chef, but it’s still my dream kitchen!
The living room. We think we’re going to put our sectional and white entertainment center here…
Breakfast area…

The “children’s retreat” will serve as a second living space for us since there are no basements in Texas. That’s going to take some getting used to…

Guest bathroom…

Standing at the back of the house looking towards the front…
Master bath…
It was the details that really got me hooked on this house. My OCD came out when I saw all of the matching oil rubbed bronze fixtures, doorknobs, faucets, etc. No countless hours painting lights or switching out doorknobs again! Oh, and I really really love the framed mirrors in the bathrooms.
Holy closet!

Sorry, but I’m just really happy about this sink…
It’s time to get serious about cooking…
No basement = attic space necessary
Our little back porch…
Well, that’s all folks! We signed all of the papers last night and will close as soon as we can get things squared away in Illinois. Hopefully sooner rather than later!
Special thanks to Lauren for setting us up with the most awesome realtor ever…I am really excited to see their new house, which is just a few minutes from ours! And of course to the Huschka’s for hosting us at their home–they cooked us some amazing food and even met us at the houses for a second opinion 🙂 I can’t wait to get back down to Texas!

This looks awesome! Road trip to visit you?
I LOVE it! I am already looking up flights to come visit 🙂 Maybe MLK weekend? Let's talk about it!!!!!!
Love it! Congrats! Now you get to decorate:) Keep the pics coming!!!!
VANESSA- that kitchen is phenom… I mean, like I am jealous city right now. Not really (ok, maybe a tad).
The house is beautiful! Can we have a girls weekend down there… Brittany when you go- let me know… maybe I can come too?
holy freaking gorgeous! can taylor and i live in the children's retreat? i can't WAIT to visit!
WOW! I can't believe how awesome it is. It is absolutely perfect! So happy for you.
Your house looks amazing! Hopefully I get to see it before you move to the down under 😉