I don’t know exactly when I became a klutz. I don’t think I was born like this, but then again, maybe that’s what all true klutzes think. Here’s a brief history of my embarrassing clumsiness…
-5th grade: I attempt to run under a swinging jumprope in PE…then I plow straight into a basketball rack and break 5 teeth. Thank goodness for the dentist that fixed me up with a bunch of fake teeth!
-8th grade: I eat a caramel apple lollipop in orchestra class and when I pull it off the roof of my mouth, I pull of all those fake teeth too. Awesome.
-High School: I get tangled up in a rope while performing on the stage of “Footloose”…in front of half of Olathe South High School. Could’ve happened to anyone, right?
-College: Too many stories to tell here…
-Last Friday:
Yep, that’s my footprint…in fresh cement. My company volunteered at Habitat for Humanity, helping to build houses in downtown St. Louis. As we were walking to the house we’d be laying tile in, the group leader yelled, “whatever you do, don’t step on the sidewalk”…followed up by a big sarcastic laugh like he was thinking, “no one would actually be stupid enough to do that”. 30 seconds later (I kid you not), I was shin deep in cement. Why do I do things like this?!?!? Luckily, there were some experienced H4H guys nearby that ran over and fixed my mess before I truly “left my mark” on St. Louis.
Other than my klutzy moment of the year, it was a great day! I got to know some coworkers better and we had a lot of fun helping out an awesome cause. Here are a couple less embarrassing pictures from the day…
So here’s to not doing anything ridiculous and embarrassing for at least another year! 🙂

I am laughing so hard right now!
Don't forget about the night on the cruise you chipped your front tooth on a wine glass.
I can see the rope around your neck now.