It sure doesn’t seem like it, but our wedding was 6 months ago today! It is CRAZY how time flies! It really feels like just yesterday that we were locked inside Father K’s office, forced to drink alter wine and confess our sins. Phew, I’m glad we came out of that part alive!! Okay, but seriously…married life is a blast. I get to come home and hang out with my best friend everyday AND it’s like having hired help–he mows, weedeats, hangs pictures, curtains, you name it! Just kidding…kind of 🙂 Speaking of curtains, my next blog post will be some before and after pictures of our living room, featuring our curtain-lengthening project. But back to the point of this post…here’s to 6 months of marriage (even though Chris told me we had to stop celebrating month anniversaries once we were married)! Thanks for putting up with me C-dawg. Love, your Bed Bug wife (yep, yet another blog post coming on that one).

Love this picture! So happy!
Congrats on 6 months!!!!