It’s no news that I’m a sucker for infomercial products. Although I’ve not had a lot of success with my past “as seen on tv” buys, I just keep doing it. Electronic Ab Belt (purchased in 9th grade)…let down. Ab roller…fail. Bump It…big time fail.
Don’t worry, it’s not an addiction. I don’t even do it all that often…probably just one more time per year than most normal human beings. So Sunday when we were in the checkout line at Wal-Mart I just couldn’t resist the “Shake Weight” staring me down from the ASOTV display. If you’ve seen the commercial you CANNOT tell me you weren’t somewhat intrigued! It looks like fun and all you have to do is shake!
I’m not declaring any victories yet but after day 1 of shakin’ the flab away, I have to say I think this one may actually be worth the $19.99 I spent on it. I barely made it through the 6 minute dvd and my arms were complete jello. This thing is hard!!!
So Since I’m obviously having a hard time updating blog, I will at least make an effort to update you all on the results of my latest impulse buy. Arms of steel are in my near future…I can feel it! 🙂

Hahahahha! We had the funniest discussion at work the other day about this. It is a very inappropriate gesture V.
Hahahaha. Keep me posted on the arms!
Did you see this?
Serisouly V! I make fun of this allll the time because the innapropriatness (sp) of it! Then the other day, ADam and I walked by the display at Walgreens and I actually considered buying it!
haha this post cracks me up! I think you left the pilates O band thing you bought junior year off the list of infomercial buys.
Oh my gosh!!! You would 🙂 That is hysterical!!!!!!!!!!!!! I want to see you use it!
HAHAHA, how could I forget about the pilates band?!? Geez, maybe this is more of a problem than I thought…
If I can fit it in my suitcase this weekend you guys might be in for a treat 🙂