Now that’s not a phrase you typically hear in a bar on a Saturday night! But lucky for Brittany, there was a shoe shiner in Soulard that really wanted to give her an early wedding present…for a small tip, of course. 🙂
Okay, so I guess I’d better rewind a little bit. This past weekend I had the pleasure of hosting Britt’s bachelorette party at my house…and let me just tell you, 8 wonderful ladies + lots of champagne and Miller Lite (not at the same time) + delicious food and desserts + your typical cheesy bachelorette dares = so. much. fun. Here’s a little recap of how we celebrated one of Brittany’s last weekends as a Bruns!
We started Saturday off at an awesome little winery in Edwardsville. Wine tasting followed by some quality girl time. Apparently Brittany isn’t the only one in her family that excels in story telling…Susan, Barb and Lyndsay kept us pretty entertained!
Dinner at Bar Italia. Delicious!
Let the limo fun begin! And thank you Emily, I will count that as number 196 for fish face photos from you. Classic.
I love this picture. Brittany and Lyndsay found a couple of New Zealanders (yes, we verified their citizenship) to race though the bar, while the girls hung on to their backs for dear life. Luckily the other people in the bar had been drinking since noon for St. Patrick’s day–so I’m sure they thought nothing of the competition!
Britt’s sweet dance moves must’ve impressed this little leprechaun and his big beer. 🙂
All in all it was a great girls weekend! Plus the bride got to take her mind off of all the wedding details and just enjoy some time with friends. 24 more days to go!!!! YEAH!!!! 🙂

These pictures are awesome. Good post, Vanessa Calcara. (Think of Brittany's saying your name though in her creepy voice. Obviously.) 🙂