I was about a mile from home, sitting at a stop light when I saw something awesome…the truck in front of me had powercat stickers on the windows and a ksu alumni license plate. You see, when I wear my k-state gear to the gym I get some pretty funny looks and I’ve come to the conclusion that these silly Illinois fans have never even heard of my alma mater. SO, you can imagine how excited I was to see a fellow fan in front of me at the stoplight. And what did I do, you might ask? When the light turned green I sped up and tried to get around him…but the person in the other lane was slower than molasses and my KSU buddy turned before I could get next to him. I was bummed. Then it occurred to me…what on earth would I have done if I had made it up to see this person?!? Point to the k-state sweatshirt I was wearing? Just give him a thumbs up, leaving him wondering what I was so happy about? It’s hard to say what I would’ve done but I can almost guarantee it would have been extremely awkward. In the end, I decided it was a good thing that we didn’t make contact because I would’ve seriously embarrassed myself. So, til next time Mr. K-State Fan in Edwardsville…
On another note–lots of exciting stuff going on the weekend in Kansas City and Manhattan!!
-Quality time with the Carter girls.
-Miss Brittany Bruns’ wedding shower!!!! I can’t wait to see all the lovely Pi Phis who will be in town and to celebrate the fact that my best friend is getting married in 72 days!!!
-KSU vs. KU in Manhattan. I’m ready to see a reenactment of the 2008 win at Bramlage! Bring on the Cats!
Could you fit any more fun into one weekend?!?