Sunday evening timeline:
- 7:00 – cozy up on the couch to watch some DVRed shows and enjoy my favorite dessert (this week anyway)–a skinny cow ice cream sandwich, YUM.
- 8:00 – still watching TV, with some facebook intermixed
- 9:00 – Chris decides to play NCAA football 2010 on his sweet new PS3. After about 45 minutes I realize that this game is starting to make me hate the K-State fight song so I decide it’s time to leave. I refuse to let a silly video game affect my school pride. So I head into our room to read my book but I decide I should go ahead and get ready for bed first. Then it happened. I look in the mirror to wash my face and can’t believe my eyes…an enormous piece of ice cream sandwich cookie hanging off my face!!!! We’re not talking a little unnoticeable crumb here, it is a dime sized chuck of chocolate!!! I run out to the living room and throw a big fit about how Chris obviously hasn’t even looked at my face in at least 2 hours–how does that even happen?!?! Lucky for him the tantrum didn’t last long because we both started laughing hysterically…after all, I did have dessert on my face.
Moral of the story–men are unobservant and I am apparently a slob. Good thing it’s 5 degrees outside and none of our neighbors stopped by to say hello 🙂

HAHA OMG….I could just see you yelling at Chris for not seeing it lol!!! I think PS3s are the worst things that were ever invented!! Miss you 🙂